The integration of PAL with OSG would in my opinion, be a waste of
resources.  PAL isn't maintained well, and doesn't support all of the
features of the engines that it contains.  In addition, documentation is
-really- scarce for it.  I do agree with Robert though, that any additions
made to OSG source should be generic to any particular engine; however I'm
not opposed to contributing to a library that specializes in a particular
engine beyond the scope of those changes.

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 3:57 AM, Max Pfingsthorn

> Hi,
> there is the Physics Abstraction Library
> ( ,
> I'm not sure to what extend that is
> useful, but it seems to be rather popular. It already abstracts ODE,
> Bullet, and other, even commercial, engines. Possibly worth a look.
> I actually plan to use OSG (or Ogre3D, the jury is still out) with PAL
> for a robotics simulator, which might become the successor of USARSim
> ( Some more direct integration between
> OSG and some physics abstraction (PAL or homegrown) would be great!
> Cheers,
> max
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Robert Osfield
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > It's good to see a number of different users popping with discussion
> > of their own work on integrating physics with the OSG.  I would be
> > great to have an OSG NodeKit for doing physics, but I'm very wary of
> > tying to one specific engine as each engine has it's own strengths and
> > weakness, and I also don't want to steer people away from making
> > particular physics engine choices including closed source ones - such
> > as Vortex, users should be able to integrate the best tool for they
> > job they can afford.
> >
> > So I'd like to punt the possibility of having some kind of base
> > osgPhyics API that makes it easier to bolt on different physics
> > engines onto the OSG.   This would require spotting the commonality
> > between the different engines and distilling this, for instance the
> > osgViewer library does this trick to a certain extent with the
> > different GraphicsWindow implementations.  You also don't want to hide
> > too much of the implementation advanced phyics engine tuning will
> > probably require users to grapple with the lower level physics engines
> > settings.  While abstracting completely is impracticable it'd be good
> > to provide the template for the concrete implementations, and also
> > make it easier for applications to move between different physic
> > engines at the backend.
> >
> > Is such a lib possible or practical?  It'll be more wore initially
> > than just an osgODE, osgBullet or osgVortex library but longer term it
> > could reduce the cost of maintenance of all these different
> > variations.   The first step in this direction would be to see the
> > code of various  physic engine + OSG integration with a view to
> > spotting the commonality between them.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> > Robert.
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