Hi JS,

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
> Also, the packages are all found using pkg-config in the CMake files right
> now, which is not the best way of finding them on Windows... If you have
> pkg-config from a gtk install on your path it might find it, but then you
> need the packages themselves in the same gtk install path, which is not a
> given on Windows. And you also don't have any options to set a paths
> manually, so it either finds them or not.

I will probably be writing a FindXUL.cmake macro from CMakeModules as
even the pkg-config usage is not quite sufficient - have a look at all
the extra paths of xul-runner headers I have to manually include.
xul-runner is an odd beats..  lots of separate directories, but no
paths within them to find the headers from other sibling components.

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