Hi Robert, hi everyone,

>> And maybe we should have a look to some other libs too, such as SFML ( 
>> http://www.sfml-dev.org )?
> This just adds more dependencies...include OpenAL so I'm not sure it's
> make things any simpler than just integrating with OpenAL ourselves.

Oh, I didn't know. You're right.

>>> I would also try to keep things decoupled so items like a Manager
>>> would be something that is implementation dependent, rather that
>>> something that end user need worry about.
>> Sorry I don't understand. Do you mean you're in favor of my second idea 
>> (having a kind of priorirty for sounds that the plugin would use to 
>> automatically turn on/off sounds to fit the limitation of the number of 
>> sources)?
> In my paragraph above I was referring to the desire to keep
> implementation details including any managers that might be written
> I don't have any strong opinions on the topic, others have far more
> experience with using audio in scene graphs, I was hoping that they
> would dive in and comment...

Well, I'd really like if anyone interested in the topic says something...

>> Having a separate thread sounds fine to me. CPU is not used enough for 
>> audio! Maybe a good occlusion computation would add immersion; so I think a 
>> separate thread is better. Should there be audio update and cull/"render" 
>> traverals for the viewer then?
> Having the Viewer manage an audio traversal/and or threads for it
> wouldn't be difficult.  Conceptually you render the audio in a similar
> way to you manage graphics so the the cull/draw for graphics and
> cull/play for audio could sit comfortably side by side.

Great thing then.

>> I'm also too busy to work on osgAudio, but I'd like to help as much as I can.
> We'll if neither have the time, and as no one else has dived into this
> topic to volunteer we will just have to be patient.

At this moment I'm trying to use OpenAl-Soft instead of OpenAL for osgAL. I 
think I'll try to work (a little bit) on simplifying the integration/build of 
osgAL and later on osgAutio despite of my work. I'll maybe only write natural 
language ideas (= code nothing) in a first time.

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