Hi folks,

I have implemented a very simple (yeah it is just a real big faken) SSAO 
example with osgPPU. The example is build in the same way as Adrian's osgFX 
effect and is described here: http://mikepan.homeip.net/ssaowcn
The current one computes the AO-term in multisampling way (hence in higher 
resolution then the screen resolution is). hence less artifacts are visible.

The current speed is 200FPS, however this value isn't really correct. The  
computation is indeed very simple and require only few operations. So I suppose 
I could be able to find the bug making it "so slow" (I am sure there is one, 
because the DepthOfField-example runs much faster but need more operations). 

As Adrian said. the next step is to implement more complex and realistic 
algorithms than this one.

Just check out osgPPU from the svn and try the given example out (don't forget 
to setup OSG_FILE_PATH to the trunk/ directory ;) 

Best regards,

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