Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Paul,

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Paul Melis <> wrote:
Ok, good to hear. The 8-bit files I tried seem to work fine, but there seems
to be some problem with 16-bit png files that don't get read in correctly.
I'll see if I can dig deeper in the near future.

Are building the data of an stack of images?  This would suggest that
either the code that places all the 2d images into a 3d image is
broken, or the png plugin is broken in some way.
Yes, the input actually is a set of DICOM files but OSG fails on reading these as there is no DICOMDIR file and creating that one with a tool in DCMTK also fails. So I converted them to PNG files.
osgvolume --cpu-tf --tf

Does it work without the --cpu-tf?
No, that's what I meant in my previous post.
BTW, the --mip/--isosurface/--light flags are currently not functional it

Actually by default there should all being working as the code creates
a ProprtySwitch that allows you to switch between different sets of
volume rendering properties.  Pressing 'v' in osgvolume to cycle
between the various properties.
Yes, that works, great!
I recall that perhaps I didn't wire up the old command line options to
the new property switch... I will go and investigate once I've
completed work on other issues I'm trying to resolve.

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