Hi Hannes,

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:33 PM, hanne...@gmx.at <hanne...@gmx.at> wrote:

> opengl is 2 years behind direct3d and direct3d is better. and now there is
> d3d10 and d3d11 will even be better and d3d9 already had instancing and
> opengl is now only a copy of d3d10 and more robust drivers is only a lie and
> they dont belive you because you are an opengl guy and dont know d3d...

Yawn... nice MS spin you got there.

Go read the specs the OpenGL specs.  Direct3D doesn't anything like
extension has had from it's inception, and nothing like deprecation
mechanism that OpenGL 3.0 has.

With OpenGL you can migrate steadily from one rev to the next, an
application written back in 1992 is still runable today, if you your
application lives any period of time - like successful software does then
longivity is good thing.  Also with long lived successful software people
wanted it ported to new platforms as the industry evolves, and again OpenGL
comes to support you again with it's unique feature of portability.

Please reflect on the fact that the OSG itself is a decade old, and it's
migrated from OpenGL 1.1 to OpenGL 2.1 + latest extensions without any major
rewrite.  Not only has it be pretty straight forward for us to roll in new
support for new hardware features, but we've also been able to port any
desktop/workstation out there.

Go try that trick with Direct3D.... Erhhh DirectX10 is only available under
Vista.  Too hard to port to WinXP? No just MS playing games manipulating the
marking.  Now Vista only has ablout 15% of the desktop market, shame that
the rest of the 85% ain't and won't ever be server by DirectX10.  Um...
which is backwards and years behind serving the needs of industry?  OpenGL
which covers 100% of the availabe platforms, or Direct3D??

Time to stop sucking up the MS cool-aid there kid as it seems to have eroded
your ability to think about the wider needs of the graphics industry.

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