Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
I agree with all your points. If we had had lots of requests for .zip since 2.8 shipped, that would be a different story, but since this has been the first (and it was discussed on osg-submissions when the packaging was being developed and no one objected) it probably doesn't affect many people.

Nevertheless, Robert has put lots of emphasis on providing a good out-of-the-box experience on each platform, so since zip support is built-in on Windows, perhaps this falls into that category. What do you think?

I'd suggest switching to .zip on Windows for the 2.10 release. I don't think it is a big problem for most people, but it's one less obstacle for a potential new user to overcome.

BTW, J-S, I think the order of installation is actually Firefox first, then Nvidia driver, then 7-zip ;-)

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