> This suggests that when pushing and popping state in order for Qt to draw
> its widgets, something is not pushed/popped correctly, probably GL_LIGHTING,
> GL_LIGHT0-GL_LIGHT7 or something like that? Perhaps glShadeModel? ...


yes indeed, something was killing off the GL_LIGHTING and GL_LIGHT0
flag. And it was something rather unusual.

Turns out the embeddedGraphicsView somehow calls into SceneView for
rendering. SceneView is marked as "deprecated" in the DoxyGen
documentation - maybe because it's the old single threaded rendering

Near the end of SceneView::draw() we find the following peculiarity.

    // re apply the defalt OGL state.

This resets the state to the OpenGL default - and turns off my
lighting ! This is the only place in all of OpenSceneGraph() that
popAllStateSets is being used - I did a full search.

So I wonder what I should do about that.

And why does this not also screw up all other code samples that make
use of the embeddedGraphicsView  - like e.g. the regular osgviewerQT ?

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