Hi Robert -- You said the code isn't final yet, but I wondered if the
osgviewer options and environment variables are final? Or do you intend to
remove them after development? 

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

-----Original Message-----
From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org
[mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 12:13 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] On demand and frame rate capping schemes

Hi All,

When following up on a bug report about the pager not handling on
demand/lazy frame rendering I resolved the the problems wasn't down to the
pager, just the way the end user viewer code was set up to the the on demand
frame rendering.  Rather than leave this type of viewer usage open to end
users come up with lots of different schemes to attempt to the same thing,
and with it the potential fall out in terms of support of trying to help
debug them I've coded up a solution for osgViewer that can either be used
directly or as a template for others to learn from.

What I have done is to refactor osgViewer::ViewerBase::run() so that it's
frame loop now has two new capabilities:

   1) On demand (lazy) frame rendering  vs Continuous frame rendering (the
original functionality, and still the default.)
   2) Optional frame rate capping to a specified maximum frame rate
(defaults to off.)

Now item 2 isn't a required for on demand frame rendering, but it more for
coping with end user system not having vsync enabled by default.
Since I was working on this piece of code I thought I'd tackle this item as
well.  The actual ViewerBase::run() method (use by both Viewer and
CompositeViewer) now looks like:

int ViewerBase::run()
    if (!isRealized())

    const char* str = getenv("OSG_RUN_FRAME_COUNT");
    int runTillFrameNumber = str==0 ? -1 : atoi(str);

    while(!done() || (runTillFrameNumber>=0 &&
        double minFrameTime = _runMaxFrameRate>0.0 ? 1.0/_runMaxFrameRate :
        osg::Timer_t startFrameTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
        if (_runFrameScheme==ON_DEMAND)
            if (checkNeedToDoFrame()) frame();

        // work out if we need to force a sleep to hold back the frame rate
        osg::Timer_t endFrameTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
        double frameTime =
osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(startFrameTick, endFrameTick);
        if (frameTime < minFrameTime)

    return 0;

The code isn't final yet, but is certainly good enough for us to start
testing.  You can test it by setting the env vars:


            or go back to default




            or switch off and the default


You can also use the following command line options:

  osgviewer cow.osg --run-on-demand

  osgviewer cow.osg --run-continuous

  osgviewer cow.osg --run-continuous  --run-max-frame-rate 30.0

The on demand frame rendering does already support paged databases, and I've
updated various event handles to manually do a
requestRedraw() which prompts the viewer::run() to rendering a new
frame.   What I have got working yet is handling of the update visitor
doing updates. so on demand rendering just freezes things like particle
systems and animations till you move the eye point, trigger an event.  I'll
have a look at support event callbacks next.

Please note this support only affect viewer::run() it doesn't effect apps
that roll their own frame loop.

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