Hi Kim,

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Kim C Bale <k.b...@hull.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> You need to download the resource pack from the downloads sections and drop 
> the textures into the resource directory before you hit install. I seperated 
> them as I didn't want them to get versioned. But everyone seems to be 
> tripping up on that one so perhaps I should include them by default.

Ack... case of me not doing any background reading... Sorry about that.

> I get the same 'invalid operation' error on an nVidia, I just haven't located 
> the source yet :) still working on it.

If you up the OpenGL error checking in osg::State to per
StateAttribute you might get a more precise location of the error.
After realize you could just do the following on all the viewers
graphics windows:


> It's possible the choppy frame rate is caused by the update callback when it 
> updates the primitives and vertices on a resolution change. If you turn on 
> stats you can see the update callback pinging up when theres a change. I 
> hadn't thought about this actually, on my machine it's barely noticeable. I 
> think i may need to thread the update to prevent the frame being delayed.

I had the KDE desktop compositor enabled during my earlier tests.  I
tested just now with the desktop compositor off and got a solid 75Hz
so it does look like it's the ATI driver/KWin compositor not working
smoothly.  So it does look this is a non issue.

Is there any chance that we'd be able to get osgOcean working on
geocentric databases?  It'd be very cool to be able zoom down from
space to the sea.

Is there are plans for following water like in rivers?

Sorry for the all the awkward questions, this stuff is just too pretty
not to want to put it everywhere :-)
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