Hi Rick,

History is not all that helpful anyway since they are binaries.

I didn't mean the diff between files, but the update history. It's useful to know that this file was updated from OSG 2.6 to OSG 2.8 on a given date. That way if you started having problems with a given loader on a given date, you can track it down and know what was done to the file on that date. But for small projects it's probably less important - for big/commercial projects that kind of traceability is very useful.

The fact remains that I need to remove directories and check in new directories each time the plugin DLL version name changes, rather than simply doing a commit.

With the command line SVN it's easy to script whatever you want. I really think you're making a mountain out of an ant hill. It's useful functionality, and all it takes on your side is a few more steps (not that often, unless you recompile OSG extremely often) or a little scripting.

But as I said, if you want to have a different behavior (or disable that behavior as an option), code it up and submit it, and others will be able to comment on the change.

Oh, well. I am still curious about the OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL thing. What is its expected functionality supposed to be? I am sure it is not supposed to just break the build paths of all of the applications.

I think it's to remove the osgXX- prefix on the main OSG DLLs. By default it's set to true so DLLs are named osg60-osg.dll, osg60-osgViewer.dll etc. Once again, it's there to help avoid picking up the wrong version of the DLLs.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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