I don't think I quite communicated what I meant to say in the end there.  I
am not super bothered by the whole naming thing, just a bit irritated and in
my organization I think it causes more problems that it is worth.  I was
hoping that perhaps with the power of CMake that someone had already
provided a way to disable this feature that works well for so many but not
for us.  Apparently that is not the case, and that is ok.  Perhaps we can
help to write it if we get a chance.

Thanks Again,
-- Rick

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 2:05 PM, <rpin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> With the command line SVN it's easy to script whatever you want. I really
>> think you're making a mountain out of an ant hill. It's useful
>> functionality, and all it takes on your side is a few more steps (not that
>> often, unless you recompile OSG extremely often) or a little scripting.
>> But as I said, if you want to have a different behavior (or disable that
>> behavior as an option), code it up and submit it, and others will be able to
>> comment on the change.
>> I think it's to remove the osgXX- prefix on the main OSG DLLs. By default
>> it's set to true so DLLs are named osg60-osg.dll, osg60-osgViewer.dll etc.
>> Once again, it's there to help avoid picking up the wrong version of the
>> DLLs.
> Oh you are right, I can see all of those extensions now (sorry James, I did
> not see those extensions when I was with you on the phone).
> Unfortunately when you don't want that, and you try to turn it off,
> side-effect of it breaking all of the paths of the Example projects and
> other applications.
> It seems like there is all this effort going towards just keeping people
> from picking up the wrong version of the DLLs.  How often does that happen
> anyway?  When somebody builds, don't they build everything they need all at
> one time?  Why would anyone have the wrong version of DLL's floating around,
> unless they had several versions of OSG on their path or something?    I
> have had far more difficulty tracking down problems from people in my
> organization forgetting to do all the steps than I ever have because of
> having the wrong version of the DLL.  If anything, I am far more likely to
> get the wrong version of the DLL because I am still copying an antiquated
> set of plugins because the old one with an old version number is still
> sitting there, NOT being over-written.
> Indeed, it is not a big issue for me to work around it, and I have so far.
> It just seems to add several steps to my process, and I am not enough of an
> SVN or CMAKE master to get around them.  I guess the root of the problem for
> me is that I have to figure out out to use SVN or CMAKE in a special way I
> am not used to to overcome a "feature" that I do not really understand the
> usefulness of anyway, and that frustrates me a bit.
> I know, this is open-source (that I am still very thankful for, even if I
> just don't get the working process of the people who are masters of it), and
> if I really don't want it I can weigh out how much it bugs me versus the
> time taken to try to work out how to "fix" it to work for me.  There are
> apparently lots of people who like this and it works for them.  I just don't
> get it.  I can deal with it.  Thanks for trying to explain it to me.
> -- Rick
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