
I am having some problems with the "distance" found by the PolytopeIntersector  
but only when the  geometry I am trying to pick has a non-null 
(Matrix)Transform in it's parent.

The PolytopeIntersector registers that object as a 'hit', BUT the distance 
recorded appears to be incorrect ( the end result is  I end up 'highlighting' 
the wrong object  behind the object I want to pick).
The intersection calculation works perfectly (with the transformed object) but 
the distance to the reference plane (used for sorting the intersections) does 
not accurately reflect the expected distance. Just to re-iterate this. As long 
as I do not try to pick a node with a transform, the sorting of the 
PolytopeIntersector works as expected....

Using the "LineSegmentIntersector" on the same scene does not show the issue. 
It correctly sorts the intersections.

Any ideas?


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