I agree with Paul, the Orange book is a *must have* title if you're
learning shaders.


2009/8/5 Paul Speed <psp...@progeeks.com>:
> And it deserves saying, if you can get your hands on an OpenGL Orange Book
> you'll be that many more steps ahead.  I thought it was really good at
> explaining things in depth while also being easily navigated to drill in on
> target areas.
> I had complex shaders up and running in a few days with that book... I have
> had some embedded-style coding experience before, though.
> -Paul
> Maxime BOUCHER wrote:
>> Well,
>>  I'm doing an internship too.
>> At the beginning I didn't know osg at all, neither shaders.
>> There are still an extraordinary amount of things I ignore about OSG (my
>> advice: when you try to do or understand something, take a look at how it's
>> done in OpenGL).
>> Shaders aren't as hard to use as OSG, I discovered about one month ago and
>> I can now write some modests but nice effects.
>> The essential is to read code and tutorials.
>> Don't try to go fast, it's the best way to misunderstand what you
>> manipulate and to write bad code, failing your internship. You have 6
>> months, you can waste it OR spend 2 months to understand osg and shaders and
>> then writting good code, masterizing your internship.
>> Thus, first read a few osg tutorials (to understand how textures are
>> mapped for example, it seems you don't), I think the 4 or 5 firsts should be
>> enough.
>> After, try to understand what is a shader (I guess you don't really).
>> Then try to understand the shader tutorials from typhoonlabs, or this
>> (http://www.siteduzero.com/tutoriel-3-8879-communiquer-avec-l-application-attributs-et-uniforms.html?bcsi-ac-20A76BC15DBD50F6=194870AE00000303lbVE9ryZWUuZzrBgMzY7DS6IPWi9BAAAAwMAAMDCRwEQDgAAIAAAANVbBwA=),
>> it's in french.
>> I advice to look at osgshader example ONLY to understand (or copy the
>> code) how to load and activate a shader, it's 5 lines.
>> Don't take me for moralistic, I did these errors.
>> Good luck and take your time, it's the best way to success.
>> Cheers,
>> Maxime
>> ------------------
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>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=15849#15849
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