Hi Bob,

huh, I would say it depends on your implementation. Currently the way you 
describe it requires a volumetric rendering approach. 

The thickness calculation seems to be the most tricky part. If you have your 
volume data, then use osgVolume for that (I haven't tested it, so I do not know 
how well it suits your expectations).

Other possible solution is to render all your triangles in slices which are 
perpendicular in viewing direction. So you specify clip planes and render your 
model in several passes. Of course no backface culling or any other culling 
except of this clip planes should be active.

So you render your slices into a several textures (actually you only need depth 
values). Using osgPPU you combine all that textures and compute thickness. 
After all passes (depends on complexity of your model, how much passes you want 
to use), i.e. 128 passes, you will have as result thickness of each pixel in 
viewing direction. This thickness texture can then be projected on the model in 
your scene back. Since hte projection is from the view point, you shouldn't see 
any big artifacts.

So this is a way, how I would try to do it. Maybe there exists better 


ryoumans wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to come up with a design using OSG to build what i'm calling an 
> "X-ray" viewer.  Basically i have relatively simple geometry, a "shell" or 
> "skin" of a vehicle and then the "interior."  I want to view the interior as 
> "penetrated" by the X-rays, which is based on a "thickness" calculation and a 
> "distance" and "aspect" angle, all hopefully done in shaders.  I envision the 
> shaders setting the fragment alpha and/or color when rendering the "shell", 
> then after to render the "interior" and combine with the "shell" texture to 
> create the final view, showing through the interior in desired parts.  
> Finally, i desire to get a histogram of the colors of the interior to see how 
> the "shell" performed on the x-rays with the interior.
> Do you see this as an appropriate application / use of osgppu?  i'm running 
> osg 2.8.1.  will ppu work with that.  i've got osgppu 0.4 i think.
> also, i'm thinking i need to create the ppu nodes programmatically instead of 
> reading ppu files, so i need examples of that type.  i'm just starting to 
> look through them.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Bob

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