Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
On 30/12/09 11:33 AM, Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
When I try to use gl_FrontMaterial.ambient, .diffuse, .shininess, etc. in the 
shaders I'm getting silly values (e.g. negative for shininess) that don't 
correspond to
what I set in osg::Material.  (But I'm not getting errors either.)

Please disregard this, the model was using vertex colours so my osg::Material 
was ignored.

Okay, that makes sense.

Just for the archives, yes, material colors (and all FFP lighting state) are deprecated in GL3. But they should still work. In GL3.1 and forward, they are removed and will not work. You should get GL_INVALID_OPERATION if you try to set them on the host.

I don't think the shader variables are removed in GLSL, just deprecated, so using them in shaders should just generate shader compile warnings with GLSL 1.30 and forward.

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