
My latest attempt synopsis:

1. set the Java home variable
2. set the java include path variable
3. set the java include path2 variable

and then I re-ran 
mvn clean
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip

I still had a crash.  maven would not work.  THen I decided to run maven as 

sudo mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip

and all of the sudden, maven started to work.  I am now seeing a lot of files 
being downloaded and I have NEVER seen that before while attempting to run mvn.

I did not know I had to run mvn with root priviledges.  I also googled the 
JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH and figured out how to set those 2 variables correctly.

So... now I am waiting for maven to finish.  However, I do notice I get 
checksum failed for a few packages.  I hope this does not cause a problem.

Thx Rafa,

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