Is it possible to have a drawable that isn't drawn?

I have a complex object split into a number of geodes but sharing a common 
vertex array - this is necessary because some of the meshes combine across 

But I do need a way of quickly knowing if a particular vertex is in a certain 
geometry from the primitiveIndex returned by a pick.
If they were just points this is easy - because the vertices are in order (ie, 
first N are in first geometry, next M are the 2nd etc)
But there is no easy way to count how many points are in a line or triangle 

I thought of having a drawarray of points for each part but somehow setting it 
to not actually draw them as points - is there any way to achieve this?

The alternative is to have a vertexattribute but this seemed a bit over kill if 
I only read need to store a few indices.


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