One very interesting detail concerning those osgVolume tests (still on
Windows) by the way:

I use a command like:

*osgvolume --test2 --shader --zSize 100 --window 50 50 600 400
CEMRA_HIGHRES\IM-0001-0001.png CEMRA_HIGHRES\IM-0001-0002.png
CEMRA_HIGHRES\IM-0001-0003.png ... [more files here] ...
CEMRA_HIGHRES\IM-0001-0119.png CEMRA_HIGHRES\IM-0001-0120.png -o*

I use 120 input png images.

And I get the output:

"*Creating sequence of 120 volumes.*"

But the resulting image (see the -o in the previous command
line), only has a size of about 500 KB, and that's clearly not enough to
hold all the 2D images. So is this really supposed to save the "3D image"
content here ?? In that case it there must be a something going wrong.

Moreother, if I then try:


it seems to load the image as a simple 2D image (and outputs: "*Single image
1 volumes.*")

Now, let's see on linux...


2010/7/17 Emmanuel Roche <>

> Hello Dzenan!
> i've just tried the website you suggested, downloaded the baby.pvm,
> bonsai1.pvm and bunny.pvm datasets, and tried commands such as:
> osgvolume --window 50 50 600 400 --raw 256 256 98 1 1 big baby.pvm
> --> As I have no idea about the "numberOfcomponents" and "endianness" of
> those files I did multiple tests with "big"/"little" endianness and 1, 3 or
> 4 components
> Unfortunately, everything I tried just resulted in a crash of osgvolume
> without displaying anything on Windows. (I'm now using osg v2.9.8 for those
> tests).
> I'm now about to test all this on Linux... But for the moment, I still
> haven't got any kind of volumetric rendering on Windows...
> One note by the way, I didn't bother settings up the osg Data folder at
> all, could it be the the osgVolume library is in fact trying to retrieve
> maybe shaders or other needed ressources from that data folder ? [but I
> guess I should get a warning of something like that in that case...]
> Cheers!
> Manu.
> 2010/7/12 Dženan Zukić <>
> Hi,
>> I have a working osgVolume used in my program - I use it as a preliminary
>> visualization. Since it has only 1D transfer function support, and does not
>> combine with polygonal models, in later stage I replace it with
>> isosurface+polygonal model.
>> My version is basically a simplified osgVolume example. Of course, before
>> modifying it I played with it a bit - the simplest way to get it to
>> visualize 3D image is giving it raw data. You can find some free 3D images
>> here:
>> Cheers,
>> Dženan
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