
Am 08.12.10 03:28, schrieb Ted Morris:
> Hi,
> I'm a complete newbie with Macs, but I am charged with the task of porting 
> some apps that ran on Win32/64 on the Mac.  In addition, the application lets 
> students create their own dlls that are then opened interactively to test 
> simulation solutions and visualize results. 
> I looked at some tutorials for bundling OSG apps with Xcode. My issue is that 
> after I downloaded Xcode it wants MAC OS X 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard) which this 
> (new! MacBook Pro i5) laptop even after the update is still 10.5!. I am 
> beginning to wonder if I am better off going with gnu tools instead?  Should 
> I worry about OSG apps and dylibs compiled/linked on the later OS not running 
> on earlier MAC OS -X versions?

Not sure why your laptop is still on 10.5. After Snow Leopard debuted,
all new laptops were delivered with Snow Leopard aka 10.6.

There should be a xcode-installer on your system-cd. You can download
Xcode 3.1 (which is compatible with Leopard) from
(you'll need a developer account on developer.apple.com)

There's no problem to built apps on Snow Leopard for older systems, just
change the settings in your project-settings file. osg doesn't support
10.4 or older systems.

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