Hi Thomas,

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:40 AM, Thomas Dickerson <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> I have loaded a 256x256 HeightField, created a HeightFieldLayer, and added it 
> as the ElevationLayer to a TerrainTile. Now, if I would like to go about 
> texturing patches of terrain, do I essentially need a separate TerrainTile 
> for each individual area to be textured?

Possibly... it depends on the way you want to apply the texturing, I
can't say from your description what you should do.

> And if this is the case, can multiple TerrainTiles use the same ImageLayer 
> for their own ColorLayers? And I still have not decoded the use of the 
> Terrain class itself, which doesn't seem to be used in the osgterrain_example 
> demo application!

Multiple TerrainTile can share the same ColorLayer, but the each Layer
defines it's own extents in world coordinates so they only apply if
region of the ColorLayer ovelaps with the elevation layer of the tile
it's being applied to.

The usual way to use osgTerrain is to have your imagery and elevation
data tiled up to the same extents so that each tile owns it's own
elevation and colour layers.  The terrain is then made up with a quad
tree hierarchy of tiles, often using PagedLOD to provide paging

The VirtualPlanetBuilder tools provide offline support for generating
paged databases from geospatial imagery and DEMs that can scale to
multi-terrabyte datasets, comfortably handling whole earth, high res
data, this generates quad tree of PagedLOD/TerrainTile .

The 3rd party NodeKit osgEarth provides similar paged support but
generates all the tiles dynamically on demand from the source imagery
and DEMs.

If you want a really large terrain paging is certainly the way to go.

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