Here we go again... :-)

On 1/4/2011 10:56 AM, David Glenn wrote:

I'm experimenting using the a scene graph projected in Ortho mode using the 
setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho function on the camera and while using the 
TerrainManipulator on the camera I noticed that the pan is working, but zoom is 
not! In fact, the only way that I could affect any kind of zoom was to narrow 
the POV on the camera (that realty is not a zoom).

Hi David -- To be precise, changing the FOV _is_ zoom. A "zoom lens" on a camera changes the FOV to make the image larger or smaller. In fact, in an orthographic projection, changing the FOV is the _only_ way to make the image larger or smaller, as the eye has no distance, only direction. There is no parallax effect in an orthographic projection.

I tried to look for any examples but came up short.

You should check the archives for discussion of ortho, zoom, and fov. This has been discussed multiple times in the past.

Is there any switch or methodology that I missed that can give me an Ortho 
projection of an otherwise a 3D scene graph?

Happy New Year All
D Glenn

D Glenn (a.k.a David Glenn) - Moving Heaven and Earth!

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