On 1/4/2011 1:14 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
Hi David,

I was just hoping (agenst hope) that someone had dealt with this before I -
since there are some planview's out there that i heard of that was done in OSG!

Well that doesn't mean no one has ever dealt with these issues, just that no one
has ever contributed a camera manipulator that did it. They probably did what we
did and what I would suggest you do: create a derived class of whatever camera
manipulator you want, override the handle() method, check if the event type is a
drag with the right mouse button pressed (or whatever other event you want to
check for) and do the zoom then. In all other cases just call the base class
handle() from your handle() method.

That's a good solution, and I want to emphasize the "or whatever other event you want to check for" part.

I prefer to have control over both FOV and distance (yes, even in perspective mode), as they clearly produce different results, and sometimes I want one effect and sometimes I want the other.

For this reason I recommend against using the right button for FOV. OSG has already set a precedence that this button controls distance. Using right mouse for FOV could be confusing. I usually modify FOV with ctrl right mouse in my code.

  -Paul Martz      Skew Matrix Software
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