Hi Peter, Robert, & all

Thanks for your ideas, Peter.
I really appreciate the proposal of having values in a separate structure with 
weak references. But is this a singleton? If so, how would you handle the case 
where you have to process things between two models (say you want to load two 
files and merge/process them anyhow)?

Robert, what is your opinion on Peter's idea?

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine - http://pvle.sourceforge.net/

----- "Peter Amstutz" <peter.amst...@tseboston.com> a écrit :

> I have run into the same problem trying to get metadata from the
> OpenFlight loader.
> In my application I handled the attributes problem by using the
> "Description" field on osg::Node, which stores an arbitrary list of
> strings and unlike UserData can be serialized by various osgDB
> plugins. 
> I encoded attributes in "Key=Value" form, with only the most trivial
> parsing of splitting on the '=' and any further type coercion handled
> on
> the user side.  This works for my needs but is obviously unsuitable
> for
> storing large or complex data.
> For a thorough solution to this problem, my suggestion would be:
> a) Define a few primitive types, like integer, float and string. 
> Define
> a couple of container types, vector and map.  Containers can contain
> other containers.
> b) Serializerizers translate the generic structure to/from other
> formats
> such as binary, XML, JSON, prettyprint etc as appropriate for target
> format.
> c) Consider maintaining metadata in a table separately from the scene
> graph.  So instead of adding a getMetadata() to osg::Node, there
> might
> be an osgDB::Metadata object with a method
> getMetadataForNode(osg::Node*).  This avoids burdening the scene
> graph
> with additional fields.  The osgDB::Metadata would hold weak
> references
> so it doesn't interfere with the existing object lifecycle of nodes. 
> This also has the advantage of being separate from the osg core and
> not
> requiring as much buy-in from Robert if he doesn't like it :-)
> Cheers,
> Pete
> On 1/28/2011 4:54 AM, Sukender wrote:
> > Hi Robert, hi (SELECT name FROM "OSG_USERS" WHERE name<>"Robert
> Osfield";),
> >
> > ** Context **
> > I spotted the DAE plugin is able to "return" some values to the
> calling program by writing in the "plugin data"
> (options->getPluginData()). But when writing, this plugin data is...
> const! This thus requires an ugly and unsafe const_cast<> (or an even
> uglier C-style cast). In other words: readers should not return any
> value except the scene graph itself, or generally speaking "predefined
> return values". I also think that using "void*" is just a
> maintanability pain, with high risks of writing unallocated memory
> parts, and such.
> >
> > ** Topic **
> > More generally, it is hard to store and pass "not predifined"
> variables between main program and plugins, or between OSG itself and
> the main program (I mean "adding some type-safe user values to the
> graph").
> > This makes me think about something I discussed a bit before: the
> ability to handle "metadata" in OSG (post named "Suggestion: Add
> components in nodes (aggregation)"). To sum up the discussion, it was
> roughly said that "it's on user side", and "use userData!".
> >
> > However, the "meta" system I implemented for my app is now quite
> used and stable. I want it to be open sourced so that partners using
> OSG also have access to metadata, and I propose this to be integrated.
> But I don't wan't to simply copy-paste it into a submission; I'd like
> to have a real reflexion around it, to make it useable for all. After
> all, more and more file formats handle these metas, so why not OSG, as
> long as it does not disturb existing features?
> >
> > ** Ideas **
> > So... starting the reflexion, I have a few ideas:
> >
> > 1. What is a meta?
> > A meta is a "name/typed value" pair. Possible implementation is to
> have a base class (with the name, say "MetaBase"), and several derived
> (Meta<int>, deriving from MetaBase, and then Meta<std::string>...).
> There could be as many meta types as you wish, but only a few
> "standard" ones should be defined in OSG (int, double, string...).
> >
> > 2. How to store them (the container)?
> > 2.1. Have a simple, yet easy and stable way: a basic container
> (vector/list). Duplicate meta names should be handled on user's side
> if necessary.
> > 2.2. Have a name->value map. Implementation may be a bit less
> flexible, but this ensures faster lookup (is this necessary?), and
> name unicity (is this necessary?).
> > 2.3. Other ideas: multimap, unordered_map, etc.
> > 2.4. Have a user-defined container. That way, user may ask for a
> simple vector, or a very complex DataBase-type container. As my
> colleague told me: "usages can be too different to tell beforehand the
> container type". This is surely a good idea, but how to implement it?
> Work with iterators? Have a container base class? Use templates
> somewhere? Help!
> >
> > FYI: my implementation uses a vector container (having generally
> less than 10-20 metas in a container), with the MetaBase /
> Meta<something> idea.
> >
> > 3. Where to store them?
> > - Maybe there is a need to store them just in another variable,
> alongside userData. This is one of my needs, but I still can use
> userData as I do, even if that's not as clean as having directly a
> container in osg::Object. Note: to avoid burdening osg::Object too
> much, this could be a ref_ptr<> to a container.
> > - Maybe there is a need for ReaderWriters, as I told at the begining
> of my email? I guess so, but this does not solve the "constness"
> problem if put in the Options structure. Or maybe we should provide
> ReaderWriter a non const container to play with?
> >
> > 4. How to serialize/deserialize them?
> > I personnally have straightforward "toString()/fromString()" methods
> to convert back and forth. This is then used by my own plugins to
> read/write those metas. This is certainly not the best implementation,
> but surely the simplest. Another idea would be make plugins (or other
> code) directly read values and (de)serialize them as they want;
> however, I suggest to keep the "toString()/fromString()" methods in
> order to handle unknown types.
> >
> > Many thanks to those who have read entirety this text.
> > More thanks for your
> thougts/ideas/remarks/insults(?)/comments/whatever.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Sukender
> > PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
> http://pvle.sourceforge.net/
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> -- 
> Peter Amstutz
> Senior Software Engineer
> Technology Solutions Experts
> Natick, MA
> 02131
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