On 1/31/2011 9:00 AM, Sukender wrote:
Hi Paul,

Thanks for this explanation about identifying nodes. Actually we also 
implemented a node identification using child index...
However I did not spot metadata related classes in osgWorks. Well, ok, I just 
had a very quick overview... Can you tell me where to look at?

Once you have a mechanism for identifying nodes that is not address-based and therefore works from one app invocation to the next, there is no need for any OSG-specific metadata classes. Such metadata can be stored outside the scene graph. However, if you want to associate metadata with the scene graph, you just use UserData.

Perhaps we have a philosophical difference. In my opinion, a scene graph should not be turned into a general purpose data structure. The scene graph should be tuned and optimized for operations on spatial data such as rendering and intersection testing.

Rather, the app should associate subgraphs of the scene graph with its internal app data structure, as visual representations of app-specific entities. Using this approach, an app can use the NodePathUtils in osgWorks to identify the relevant nodes to reference from its internal data structure.
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