Hello again, Jeremy,

I'm digging into this topic of the EventHandlers for the Widgets. Before 
implementing my own EventHandler for what I'm trying to do, I'm looking at how 
does MouseHandler works to see if I can use it.

In an effort to track down what happens when the MouseHandler enters into 
action after a mouse action, I can see the responsibility is passed to the 
WindowManager. For instance, by looking at _handleMouseReleased:

bool WindowManager::_handleMouseReleased(float x, float y, bool& down) {
    down = false;
    if(!_lastPush) return false;
    Event ev(this, EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE);
    setEventFromInterface(ev, _lastPush);
    bool handled = _lastPush->callMethodAndCallbacks(ev);
    _lastPush = 0;
    return handled;

An object of type EventInterface is in charge of executing 
callMethodAndCallbacks, which at last calls a virtual method mouseRelease, that 
can be overriden.

I'm confused about the use of the term "callback" in the EventInterface. Is 
this a callback or an event triggered from the event handler? Or maybe it's 
used for both?

I want to develop an EventHandler separate from the widget itself. Can I extend 
your code in some manner to achieve this, or should I go for a totally custom 

Thank you!


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