On 03/03/2012 10:38 AM, Christian Buchner wrote:
Geforce cards support stereoscopic 3D through HDMI as part of the
3DVision support for DirectX gaming only.
It is called 3DTV Play and it isn't free (there's a 14 day trial
version available). And this does not include OpenGL.

Sure, but that's a different animal than what Erin is after. 3DTV play assumes the game wasn't written for 3D output and synthesizes the left and right channels based on the depth buffer. It also provides a Blu-ray 3D player (and I'm sure the fee is at least partly to cover Nvidia's licensing costs for this).

From what I've read in several forums. If you create the 1280x1470 format (or 1920x2205 format) directly, you can get a GeForce card to render 3D content on a 3D monitor.


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