Hi Robert

I've had a quick go at creating an account on the new MediaWiki system, was
very straight forward. I don't have much experience with web backends but
am very interested in helping out with content and general admin of the new

I've been meaning to create some more detailed information about IOS
specific stuff and the new website is a good time to start I think.

Only comments so far are that I couldn't find how to add images, I think
you need to enable user uploads but I guess this creates the issue with how
much do you allow to be uploaded etc.

In terms of ideas for the new site I always liked the simple layout of the
openframeworks site


I especially like the feeds at the bottom with information about the latest
commits etc, helps people keep up with what's going on. Although their
tutorials are difficult to find.

I think the main downfall of the current OpenSceneGraph site is that too
many topics are presented in a single view. e.g. the Getting Started page
has info about multiple platforms, instead we should break things down so
it's more like

-Getting Started

So that users are getting the information relevant to them, quicker and not
posting the same old questions on the forum as much.

Perhaps people should design there suggestions for how we categorise and
access the content then we can compare ideas.

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