Hi Hector,

There several ways of achiving what you want, one could precompute all
the positions and put them into an osg::AnimationPath and attach this
via an osg::AnimationPathCallback to a transform above the subgraph
you want to move - see the osganimation example, or write your own
update callback that computes the position on the fly for each new
frame.  Perhaps I'd go for the callback approach.


On 25 October 2012 08:22, Héctor Martínez <hector.marti...@sensetrix.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to make an animation to one model. What I want is to rotate the
> model around its own axis and also to translate (rotation again) around
> another pivot point, like Earth movements. I can achieve both movements
> separately, but I don’t know how to make both animations work at the same
> time. I have tried nesting animations and similar ideas, but without luck.
> Could somebody give me some clues to get the solution to my problem?
> Thank you in advance,
> Best regards
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