
I completed osgAndroid Example with GLES1 successfully. If I try to run the 
same example with OpenGLES2 then the OSG model is not rendering. If I add the 
following code then I am able to see the model on my device.

mtForMarker[idx]=new osg::MatrixTransform();
        osg::Shader * vshader = new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::VERTEX, 
gVertexShader );
            osg::Shader * fshader = new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::FRAGMENT, 
gFragmentShader );

            osg::Program * prog = new osg::Program;
           prog->addShader ( vshader );
            prog->addShader ( fshader );

            mtForMarker[idx]->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttribute ( prog );
         osgViewer::Viewer::Windows windows;
    for(osgViewer::Viewer::Windows::iterator itr = windows.begin();itr != 

This code I added from osgAndroidOpenGLES2 example.

As I am new to OSG I have two doubts

1) Why should I add the shaders in OpenGLES2 to display model.Can't I display 
the model with out this Shaders code. OpenGLES1 example doesn’t have this 

2) If I add the shaders then the fixed functionalities like textures, lighting 
etc. were disabled. But I need to enable them because I got model from 3DS MAX. 
How can I enable fixed functionalities?

Can you please guide me how to enable fixed functionalities? If shaders are 
necessary to render model on Android with OpenGLES2 then how can I handle 
textures (or any others fixed functionalities) ? Is there any tutorial to 
handle this in Android? 

NOTE:- By mistake i posted the same under "Build System" category. 

Thank you!


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