Hi Art,

On 31 July 2013 11:04, Art <arti_t...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> If you switch to the google groups you would have to do moderator work
> again. Then, I wonder, what improvement do you get from it. The glue between
> the forum and the mailing list works well, however, might not even work for
> google groups. I can't see, why google groups would help here.

googlegroups would replace both osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org and
forum.openscenegraph.org, users of the googlegroups can decide how
they want to use google groups either via email or via the online
forum style interface.

We would still need to do moderation work but at least it'd be in one
place, so we'd avoid the need to the admin side for both the mailing
list and the forum and a small amount of overlap on the moderations
side.  On the mailing list side I typically only need to handle a
couple of moderation items per month handling cases when users post
attachments that exceed the amount listed, it's not much but
effectively other moderators could help with this, I could help with
moderation on the other side when need be - the advantage is pooling

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