robertosfield wrote:
> There are some specific .osgb threading issues related to initialization of 
> the wrappers.  There is chance that you are hitting up against this.  For my 
> own work I'm not currently testing against .osgb and get problems so I 
> believe the .osgb issues can be dealt with separately. 

We already had this issue and we make sure that we are pre loading all the 
plugins and serializers we need at program start to avoid this issue.

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Pjotr,
> >  - What could happen is that the database pager tries to load this 
> > referenced image or object and find it in the registry cache. Then it could 
> > occur that more database pager threads run the incremental compilation over 
> > the same objects.
> > 
> The IncrementalCompileOperator only compiles objects from the GraphicsThreads 
> assoicated with teh GraphicsContext and this ensures that for a single 
> context all the GL objects are compiled in series, and duplicates if they 
> exist will be checked to see if they compiling and they've already compiled 
> will be skipped.  Given this I don't think there is any danger of multiple 
> entries.

What about FindCompileableGLObjectsVisitor, it is run on the pager thread. Is 
that visitor thread safe? Just had a quick look at it and there are too many 
different paths in osg code I'm not familiar with to make an assessment for me 
about thread safety. For example it can call 
Geometry::setUseVertexBufferObjects depending on the database pager flags, is 
that method thread safe.


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