Hi Pjotr,

On 6 November 2014 09:44, Pjotr Svetachov <pjotrsvetac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried your fix and it exposed a bug in my fix :)
> The problem is that the readObjectFields method will add the object to the
> _identifierMap. So all the other instances of that image in the same file
> will be replaced by the created dummy object. In my fix this was an dummy
> image and I didn't notice it in our scene's, probably because it covered a
> small part of an object. In your fix the dummy object was not an image and
> that leads to a crash when something tries to use it as an image. I have
> attached a small fix for this bug.

Good catch.  Fix now merged and checked into svn/trunk.


I have also just checked in changes to IncrementalCompilerOperation and
DatabasePager to use a MarkerObject assigned as UserData to
StateSet/Drawable/Texture and Program's to mark whether they have been
visited by the ICO or DatabasePager and if they have then skip them.  This
mechanism should avoid the threading issue associated with reusing
subgraphs that are already in active use in the application.

Could you try svn/trunk and see whether this does address the remaining
threading issues that you've seen.

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