Am 05.07.2016 um 10:05 schrieb Philipp Meyer:

I want to track the delta movement of every fragment in my scene. Only tracking 
on a per object basis would not be enough because an object may, for example, 
rotate (so that one side of the object approaches the camera, the other side 
doesnt) or it may have moving parts.
That doesn't really make sense. An object will be rasterized into multiple fragments. Transforming it will create a completely different set of fragments. The only way to compare "two sets" of fragments is to give them a common propertry such as color/id etc. You're simply not explaining what you are after, so it is really impossible to give you any advise on how to tackle your specific problem.

You are talking about writing data on a texture. I would be very interested in 
how that technically works. Im still a beginner with shaders but I thought that 
the fragment shader can only write data to a very specific point on a texture 
(where the current fragment would appear), and depending on the alpha blending 
and other settings the final pixel color is determined by the hardware. How 
would I go about writing actual information to a texture via. a shader as you 
You're right. When rendering to the target buffer you can only write to the fragments raster position. In compute shaders you can read/write arbitrarily (with certain performance penalties). But that is irrelevant, as long as you don't explain what you want to do. If you're doing some RADAR simulation in terms of wave-propagation etc. you might be better of to use GPGPU-algorithms instead of rendering. But again, without a solid description of the problem at hand, it is a lot of guesswork...


Thank you!


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