Hi Sam,

I have just checked the history of CameraMaipulator, I must have
missed this the addition of FIXME back in.

Date:   Wed Aug 28 14:27:18 2002 +0000

    Updates, from Neil Salter, to comments etc to osgGA which add better
    explanations of how each of the classes operates.

I think this was more a note to self, from the author, Neil who wrote
it to come back and add further clarification beyond "State/restart
the manipulator"  which is what he put it when he first wrote it,

I'm note sure why there is a need for any further information beyond
"Start/restart the manipulator", the init() function is just a hook to
enable CameraManipulator subclasses to initialize themselves.  I will
remove the FIXME.

On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 at 21:48, Sam Brkopac <brko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was digging through the CameraManipulator code and came across the init 
> function. I noticed it runs a few times during scene setup, and after looking 
> into the code I see the following:
> Code:
>         /**
>         Start/restart the manipulator.
>         FIXME: what does this actually mean? Provide examples.
>         */
>         virtual void init(const GUIEventAdapter& ,GUIActionAdapter&) {}
> Does anybody have the update documentation or perhaps some notes on when / 
> how the init function is being called?
> Thanks, Sam[/code]
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