>     Well,as the subject notes,The software in my dev job has to use a HUD
> to show 2d pics. Generally using a camera to create a new viewport to show
> the pic will be OK.
>     But the 'Entity' base class for the software system uses a MT
> (matrixtransform) to add the detailed entity node(such as basic
> geometry,text with a geode) and then add this MT node to the root by the
> datacontainer manager class.
>     If I create the hud entity class derived from the base class, ie, add
> the camera node to the MT node,does it work if I operate the move, scale
> commands to this hud entity by using MT,not the camera? If it doesn't work,
> how can I change the node structure to make the Hud entity responsive to
> the transform operations which is generated by MT.Or do I only have to use
> the camera node itself to do these transformation jobs?

I'm afraid I didn't understand this explanation very well myself. My first
question would be, do the HUD elements (the 2d pics) stay stuck to the
screen space (as if they were part of a game scoreboard overlaid onto the
screen) or do the move around the screen as the main view camera rotates,
tilts, moves, etc like an Augment Reality environment?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com
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