Hi Mike,

On 2/28/2014 7:48 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:
> like Holger already wrote I think there is no safe way to transport arbitrary 
graphs over the wire
<stuff deleted>
And no MQ-like solutions for remote services, so JMS could be used for the load-balancing?

ECF has a JMS provider as well as support for other mq protocols...e.g. mqtt [1]. We have plans to create others (e.g. possibly zeromq, rabbitmq).

We have used the JMS provider to do load balancing examples [2].


[1] https://github.com/ECF
[2] https://wiki.eclipse.org/Load_Balancing_Remote_Services

Hm, this makes me think of EJB. Are there any OSGi-friendly EJB implementations that could provide service access over JMS?
Best regards
Christian Schneiderwrote:

    Hi Mike,

    I think almost all remoting solutions will require your data to be
    in a kind a tree form. This can be considered a smell as it may
    require conversions between your inner domain model which probably
    has cycles and the data sent over the wires which may not have them.
    In fact though like Holger already wrote I think there is no safe
    way to transport arbitrary graphs over the wire. So you most
    probably will have to cope with this.

    Load balancing is an interesting question. CXF DOSGi does not
    handle this itself. It will simply provide all available endpoints
    as OSGi services. So this provides at least failover and you can
    add load balancing based on these local services if you like.


    2014-02-28 10:28 GMT+01:00 Mike Wilson <mike...@hotmail.com

        We're doing remote calls between OSGi containers on different
        servers and I'm looking at Remote Services to do the job. I've
        noticed that Apache CXF/DOSGi
        http://cxf.apache.org/distributed-osgi is the reference
        DOSGi's distribution provider is based on SOAP so it
        seems this implementation will limit the expressiveness in
        data transferred as arguments and return values, such as
        duplicating objects that are referenced more than once and not
        supporting cycles at all.
        Can you recommend any Remote Service distribution provider
        implementations that offer better support for keeping
        "referential integrity" within the data transferred to the
        remote server?
        Bonus question: What's a good setup for load balancing Remote
        Service calls between multiple remote servers?
        Mike Wilson

        OSGi Developer Mail List
        osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>

-- -- Christian Schneider

    Open Source Architect

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