From: Harrison Owen [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:27 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: marketplace


Julian – this one is an easy one. At least it always is for me. After I get
to the point where I invite everybody to go and sign up (enter the market
place) – I just leave. Gone. Out of the room. Without a word. And depending
upon my mood and needs, I either take a long walk. Or more usually, I take a
nap. Sounds like an odd thing to do at that time of day (presuming a morning
start), but under normal circumstances I will have been up for a while
preparing myself and the space. And by the time I have finished opening the
space I need a real break. Nothing like a good nap!


And the good thing about naps (outside of getting you refreshed and ready
for the rest of the gathering) is that once unconscious, there is no
temptation to go and “fix” anything. The folks are now definitely in charge,
and you don’t have to say a word. It is just a fact.


A long time ago, I used to say something about “being around if somebody
needed me,” but then I discovered that nobody was listening except me. And
when I thought further it was very clear that the only reason I said it was
somehow to make me feel better. So – all under the heading of “thinking of
one more thing not to do” I just kept my mouth shut, walked out, and headed
(usually) for the nearest shady tree, couch, or best of all -- bed.


Try it. I know you will like it :-) 




Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Drive

Potomac, Maryland   20854

Phone 301-365-2093

Skype hhowen

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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Juliane
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:28 AM
Subject: marketplace


dear colleagues,


I facilitated an open space and after the participants announced their
issues, while I openend the market-place, I realized my body wasn´t sure
where to stand/go:


I had left the circle and was now in what I call "the room in between":
outside the people`s circle and inside the "line" of the principals;  while
talking I moved forward, so that I stood in one of the aisles, on the line
of the circle and at one point I moved a little back into the circle, but
not very deep; when I ended with the words that from now on everything will
be self-organized, I was back on the circle-line,  before drawing back


I had one moment, when I didn´t feel comfortable, in the beginning of the
market-place, when I stood behind the people, in their back, and one moment
when I felt unsure, when I moved back into the circle. 


One reason for this I know: there was not as much space between the circle
and the pin-boards, as is good for my feeling of space and I didn´t
have/take enough time before the beginning of the os to get adjusted.


But this experience raised a general question in me – actually I caught my
mind wandering for a nano-second while opening the market-place, where I
really want to go as the facilitator during this part of the os-introduction
and why; and I realized I couldn´t remember how I and others have done it, I
only had this image in me of a wider circle, a wider space…  –  so, now I am
curious to hear of  the ways you do it, and your thougths about  it.


Greetings from Berlin, where we enjoy a wonderful golden Fall!







Juliane Ade, boscop eg

Hasenheide 9, 10 967 Berlin

T: ++49-30 747 39 622, F: - 623 <> 



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