In a message dated 8/29/01 11:29:02 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> There is that aspect of conflict that puts us in touch with ourselves.  The
> internal struggle that accompanies external conflict can force us to
> explore our deeper truths and meanings in life.  That exploration can
> result in important learning and growth.

To all:

This conversation is terribly seductive.  As one who deals with a lot of
conflict (between unions and management), what I have experienced is that it
arises out of our interests (hopes, fears, dreams, wants, desires, etc.) not
being met.  I think that this not only happens between persons or groups, but
within ourselves.  Truth, on the other hand, is ever changing, depending how
we feel or view something at any given time, i.e., it is manifest in the mind
of the beholder.  In trying to resolve conflict, I find it almost impossible
to deal with "truth."  The best I can do, I find, is to deal with interests.
When interests are self serving, the energy or 'spirit' is poor.  When
interests are inclusive of others, the energy and 'spirit' is good.  Uwe's
comment about the eight-fold path, I think relates to this very well.

For what it's worth,
Dave Koehler

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