Hello Gerald!

Thanks for your answer! I'm going to try with CustomerGroupsAlwaysGroups to
see if it does what the customer expects.


Leonardo Certuche
ITSM Consultant / COO
(57) 301 284 6250
(57) 4 320 7960 ext 1002
Cra 41 Nro 9 - 51 Edificio Arteria Of 104
Medellín, Colombia

On 7 September 2012 13:03, Gerald Young <cryth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Besides which, "CustomerGroupsAlwaysGroups" = users means that this
> customer could be able to see all tickets.
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Gerald Young <cryth...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello, Leonardo!
>> This doesn't sound like a healthy thing to do, unless you *promise* that
>> other customers won't be in that customer group.
>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Leonardo Certuche <
>> leonardo.certu...@itconsultores.com.co> wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> One of our customers wants to change the behaviour of the CompanyTickets
>>> button on the customer interface. Instead of showing the tickets associated
>>> with the CustomerID of the Customer, they want to show there the tickets
>>> that are in the groups where the customer has permissions to (we already
>>> have CustomerGroupSupport enabled).
>>> We where checking the code at Kernel/Modules/CustomerTicketOverview.pm
>>> and it seems to refer to the following lines:
>>>         CompanyTickets => {
>>>             All => {
>>>                 Name   => 'All',
>>>                 Prio   => 1000,
>>>                 Search => {
>>>                     CustomerID =>
>>>                         [ $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerIDs( User
>>> => $Self->{UserLogin} ) ],
>>>                     OrderBy        => $Self->{OrderBy},
>>>                     SortBy         => $Self->{SortBy},
>>>                     CustomerUserID => $Self->{UserID},
>>>                     Permission     => 'ro',
>>>                 },
>>>             },
>>> Is there any way we can change the criteria to match this customer's
>>> expectation?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Leonardo Certuche
>>> www.itconsultores.com.co
>>> Medellín, Colombia
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