Hi Gerald, you're right. Sorry about that. I'll be more specific next time.

Objective: show the customer in the Survey message which ticket he/she will
evaluate. I can already tell him the ticket number, because I've inserted
the tag <OTRS_TICKET_TicketNumber>. But a customer suggested  to show also
the subject so that he/she doesn't need to access the web interface to see
what that ticket was about.

Action: I've inserted tag <OTRS_CUSTOMER_SUBJECT>

Result: It didn't bring any result.

Desired result: Show the ticket subject in the Survey message

Thanks again, I'll try the tag you've suggested.

2014-04-15 18:18 GMT-03:00 Gerald Young <cryth...@gmail.com>:

> Please (this is a personal request) refrain from saying "it didn't work".
> In a sense, that would be obvious or else you wouldn't have posted. Telling
> us and showing us what happened and why that wasn't what you
> wanted/expected helps us make sure a response explicitly fixes what's
> broken. (Which you did here and for which I am appreciative -- Thank you.)
> On point, though, try <OTRS_TICKET_Title>
> 2014-04-15 16:31 GMT-04:00 André Cavalcante <treba.an...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi there,
>> I'd like to insert the ticket subject in the Survey message. I was able
>> to insert the ticket number, but not the subject. I've tried 
>> but it didn't work.
>> Any idea?
>> Caro(a) usuário(a),
>> Como você foi atendido? Avalie a qualidade do atendimento.
>> Chamado #<OTRS_TICKET_TicketNumber> -
>> Por favor, nos ajude a melhorar nossos serviços, responda à pesquisa de
>> satisfação disponível no link abaixo:
>> http://centraldeservicos.tre-ba.jus.br/otrs/public.pl?Action=PublicSurvey;PublicSurveyKey=
>> <OTRS_PublicSurveyKey>
>> Sua opinião é muito importante!
>> Equipe de Suporte
>> --
>> *André Luiz C. e Cavalcante, PMP, PRINCE2*
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*André Luiz C. e Cavalcante*
Coordenador de Eleições
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