On 09.02.2014 22:48, Colin Reese wrote:
> I want to run a microcontroller with a remote owserver or 1Wire devices. 
> I don't want/need another linux box. A cheap AVR and WiFi unit like an 
> XBee WiFi would be ideal. 
Nearly any TP-Link running OpenWRT is cheaper than the single
XBee-Module? Not talking about Wifi (integrated), Ethernet (integrated)..

> Is there not AVR code that would run owserver 
> over a WiFi module?
> Where can I find docs on owexternal? I've seen mention of it but nothing 
> complete.
Not what I meant (using *something* to import it into owserver/owfs) but
yes: ownet C-API..
Nothing I'd know about in finished, but all IP-stacks on 8bit uC are
IMHO already fully broken, as they dont do what the RFC says. They sh*
off when they receive a 1400 byte ping, as they cannot handle it.. Which
is pretty clear, with 2kB RAM you just cannot handle this reasonable..
But it's surely possible to do ownet on top of these broken things ;)


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