Well, I want a cheap, small, low-power, bullet-proof sensor node. I want 
to be able to read loads of them, preferably in a developed, extendable 
framework, from a central sensor gateway, at the moment an RPi-based 
control unit. Nothing seems to meet all of the criteria.

Standard XBee would work, but I'd end up writing loads of code. They're 
cheap. It's built on a closed protocol. It's low power. It's tiny. It's 
compatible with all the other XBee stuff out there. It would require on 
on-board XBee at the sensor gateway and would share a single UART.

An RPi or OpenWRT router is really a sledgehammer for a nail. It's big. 
It's not low-power. It's not terribly cheap. It's also a lot of overhead 
for configuration. It is quite capable and on WiFi so would free my 
UART, not require a separate wireless unit at the gateway, and the nodes 
would be accessible by other devices.

The WiFi XBee (or otherwise) seems a pretty reasonable compromise of the 
above criteria.

I'm sorry for beating this topic to death, but it seems like getting 
low-power, low-cost remote sensors into the owfs framework is a pretty 
important goal. Wireless is a critical path for sensor integration, and 
none of the existing solutions seem worthy of OEM integration.

This is a neat product: 

But $178 is just absurd. Sorry. It's also not a candidate for low-power 
and battery power applications.


On 2/9/2014 15:02, Michael Markstaller wrote:
> On 09.02.2014 22:48, Colin Reese wrote:
>> I want to run a microcontroller with a remote owserver or 1Wire devices.
>> I don't want/need another linux box. A cheap AVR and WiFi unit like an
>> XBee WiFi would be ideal.
> Nearly any TP-Link running OpenWRT is cheaper than the single
> XBee-Module? Not talking about Wifi (integrated), Ethernet (integrated)..
>> Is there not AVR code that would run owserver
>> over a WiFi module?
>> Where can I find docs on owexternal? I've seen mention of it but nothing
>> complete.
> Not what I meant (using *something* to import it into owserver/owfs) but
> yes: ownet C-API..
> Nothing I'd know about in finished, but all IP-stacks on 8bit uC are
> IMHO already fully broken, as they dont do what the RFC says. They sh*
> off when they receive a 1400 byte ping, as they cannot handle it.. Which
> is pretty clear, with 2kB RAM you just cannot handle this reasonable..
> But it's surely possible to do ownet on top of these broken things ;)
> Michael
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