Am 10.02.2014 13:20, schrieb Colin Law:
> On 10 February 2014 12:01, Vajk Fekete <> wrote:
>> I do not see what is the reason against the linux box. I do not think you
>> could get cheaper with an avr and Xbee than a tplink 703n,
> I presume one would need a usb/1wire adaptor with that.
If you have a serious application, you'll always end up using a host
adaptor chip. You *can* bitbang the protocol (I've done it a couple of
times with the ATtiny µC series), but as the timing is critical, you
will do it most presumably in busy-loops.

Of course you can use e.g. an AVR32 processor to have some more time for
doing other things, but before implementing it that way, I would think
about hooking the bus to an DS2482 doing all the critical timing and
stick at the AVR8. And really using an AVR32 for other reasons, I would
think about implementing the whole thing with Linux and owserver.

Kind regards


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