People compare Surface to iPads because thats the conditioned response ...
go to any website that sells the Surface Pro /RT and look at what category
its placed under...

I call this "breaking into jail" (very easy to get in, hard to get out).

Scott Barnes

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Tony Wright <> wrote:

> I don't believe that anyone buys a Surface Pro for the app store alone. In
> fact, the biggest issue with the Surface Pro in particular is the abundance
> of apps that are available that are not in the app store.
> It's also why I don't think you can compare the iPad to the Surface Pro -
> they actually have different purposes altogether.
> Of course, the same logic makes the standard Surface RT dead in the water,
> although they do have a small benefit in running Office and offering a
> browser, but that's about all. Personally, I don't think they are worth the
> money.
> I personally think people will tire of the Surfaces and go back to thin
> form factor laptops again, mainly because the keyboards are so much better,
> but also because of their robustness and they are also pretty lightweight
> when travelling.
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Scott Barnes <>wrote:
>> Good straw-man test to undertake - how many times a day you check the
>> AppStore in Windows 8.1 ..moreover how man times a week and would you
>> recommend an App to people outside your industry that exists on Windows 8
>> should they ask "Why should I get Windows 8.1"
>> If you are struggling to come up with an answer or have to spend a few
>> moments to think about how that question could be answered - imagine the
>> average consumer who has absolutely no care-factor in Microsoft community
>> ongoings... Until that gets disrupted enough to the point where it becomes
>> an adoption similar to Google (Ie remember the day you switched over to
>> Google?) there is no incentive its just behaviour of use.
>> To measure UX you apply cognitive dissonance as the test - Incentive vs
>> Behaviour ...  If the user trajectory of incentive of use matches their
>> actual usage (behaviour) you have a bliss point product .. if the incentive
>> decays in a short time (say 30 days after purchase) you have a fail. The
>> incentive will decay (it always does) but its a question of how long you
>> can defer that decay that succeeds.
>> Surface Pro has to figure out what the Behaviour of the users actually
>> are and then it can start to plot the incentive of use thus measuring why
>> the hell people aren't happy with the products strategy.
>> Instead they went "Quick throw more hardware at the problem it will solve
>> itself once developers get excited to build" ... then straight after that
>> they then serve developers no incentive to adopt the new by constantly
>> telling them their current adoption is wrong (vicious replenishment cycle
>> that benefits Microsoft and less the developer).
>> ---
>> Regards,
>> Scott Barnes
>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Nathan Chere <
>> > wrote:
>>>  The crux of what I’m talking about boils down to Windows Store, so
>>> both.****
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 24 September 2013 2:37 PM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet
>>> *Subject:* RE: Mark II****
>>>  ** **
>>> Are you talking about the Surface RT? Or the Surface Pro? They’re two
>>> different products.****
>>> ** **
>>> Cheers
>>> Ken****
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* [
>>> <>] *On
>>> Behalf Of *Nathan Chere
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 24 September 2013 2:34 PM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet
>>> *Subject:* RE: Mark II****
>>> ** **
>>> I reckon Microsoft would be happy if they could get 50 good applications
>>> too.****
>>> ** **
>>> Even then, it’s not enough to have “good” apps. They need *exclusive *apps…
>>> and really, if you have an idea even remotely worth doing something with,
>>> why in your right mind would you choose Windows Store of all places to make
>>> it exclusive to?****
>>> ** **
>>> … which ultimately means *apps aren’t enough*. The *platform* is a
>>> failure. With the Surface they chose to consolidate Windows (desktop) and
>>> Windows Mobile while ignoring virtually all of the key strengths of the
>>> products they were bastardising (especially with RT). They’ve limited their
>>> niche to the kind of people who want to do more than they can with the
>>> currently popular idea of a ‘tablet’ but don’t want the power and
>>> versatility of a full-blown laptop. ****
>>> ** **
>>> Had they gone down the road of Windows Mobile 7 with an *optional but
>>> default* app store instead of the almost complete re-imagining which
>>> was Windows Phone 7 (and 7.5, 8 etc) I imagine they would have built on the
>>> slice of the enterprise market they had with prior Windows Mobile instead
>>> of almost completely alienating the enterprise, continued to appeal to the
>>> hobbyist and amateur developer market (increasingly so with XNA – which
>>> they’ve also canned, another brainfart) and provided a convenient medium
>>> for accessing content for the average consumer. The pre-requisite of Zune
>>> to do anything useful reeks of all the fail of iTunes. Even though they’ve
>>> limited piracy, there’s virtually nothing in the store worth pirating
>>> anyway. Because no-one wants to use it, which means no-one wants to develop
>>> for it. I’d much rather target a platform with 60%-95% piracy rate
>>> (depending on who you believe) and a paying customer base of 100s of
>>> millions than a platform with 5-20% piracy rate (also depending on who you
>>> believe) but a single completely broken store with no quality control (even
>>> rewarding people for shit apps – “quantity over quality”) and  a distinct
>>> minority customer base of whom the paying customers are an even more
>>> fragile minority.****
>>> ** **
>>> But why learn from the mistakes and failings of Windows Phone? Why not
>>> sink the tablet market as well, and do all we can to take down the desktop
>>> in general while we’re at it?****
>>> ** **
>>> </rant which started off as a one-liner but I get carried away so
>>> apologies for any beating of any dead horses and drawing of long bows>**
>>> **
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* [
>>> <>] *On
>>> Behalf Of *Ian Thomas
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 24 September 2013 1:23 PM
>>> *To:* 'ozDotNet'
>>> *Subject:* RE: Mark II****
>>> ** **
>>> That’s the usual cynical review, but it did add a few things I didn’t
>>> know about the docking station, the ability to run 2 screens, extra USB
>>> ports (on the Pro2, one of them is USB 1.0 – really?), and the Power Cover
>>> is also usable on the Surface Mark I.****
>>> ** **
>>> The review leaves out extra RAM, card slot, cameras, size of the SSD,
>>> and some other minor details, in favour of emphasising that the Windows
>>> Store lags far behind the Apple and Google counterparts, with only 100K
>>> apps. Do a need a choice of a million or more?  I reckon if I could get 50
>>> good applications I would be quite happy. ****
>>> ** **
>>> Also, iirc one was to be 5-point touch, the other 10-point; one has USB
>>> 2.0 the other USB 3.0 – I guess I need to search for some more complete
>>> information. Isn’t there a mini DisplayPort or HDMI? ****
>>> ** **
>>>  ------------------------------
>>> Ian Thomas
>>> Victoria Park, Western Australia****
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* [
>>> <>] *On
>>> Behalf Of *mike smith
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:29 AM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet
>>> *Subject:* Mark II****
>>> ** **
>>> But will it be any better?****
>>> ** **
>>> ****
>>> ** **
>>> SSDD
>>> ****
>>> ** **
>>> --
>>> Meski****
>>> "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
>>> you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills****
>>> ** **
>>> Click here <> to
>>> report this email as spam.****
>>> ** **
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>>> ***

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