Gitkraken is very nice, and I do like the console integration it has now.

From: <> on behalf 
of Greg Keogh <>
Sent: Friday, 31 December 2021 6:39 AM
To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: [OT] Atlassian SourceTree

The program SourceTree must be one of the most amateurish bug-riddled 
incomprehensible unpredictable prices of crap software ever produced by a large 
company. I wish I could invoice Atlassian for the man-days and suffering I have 
endured trying to keep the stupid thing working over the last decade.

All of my Personal Access Tokens expired today, so I regenerated fresh ones 
everywhere, but I cannot update, reset or recreate the accounts in SourceTree 
to get them working again. After 2 hours of more futile suffering I have 
decided to abandon SourceTree forever and never see the steaming pile again. I 
have deleted every file and registry entry with the words "Atlassian" or 
"SourceTree" in them (it leaves it's smelly footprint everywhere).

SourceTree is a fossil anyway because Visual Studio now does almost everything 
it used to do in a superior integrated way. However... SourceTree could hold a 
nice organised tree of all your local repos and you could browse over it and 
quickly for an overview. That feature I will miss, so I'm wondering if there is 
a replacement. I can't find a "repo organiser" in Visual Studio, but maybe I've 
missed it, or maybe there is a better app for that. Any suggestions?

Greg K

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