Dear Sandy
I am not sure if you are aware there are several cultures where women chose to only feed on one side..
I worked in PNG many years ago where this was common and from memory I remember taking note that between babies - women only looked lop sided if it was between third fourth or more babies.
Babies feeding from only one side in our culture happens a fair bit judging by replies to a question about it many years ago and women's comments to me over years of BF assistance.
Yes a woman may be lopsided when milk is "in" but this can go away when you stop breastfeeding.

I think if you did a poll many on this list would admit to being lop sided with-out breastfeeding or regardless of how they fed their baby(ies).
Anyway I am saying it may go away on weaning!

Meanwhile you could express that side and cup feed!

Also I do not know if you can do a search of old NMAA newsletters and clean ideas from the issue where the members sent in their ideas??
Go to NMAA web site and ask and can some one forward this question to a breastfeeding list??
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 5:56 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Favourite Breast

Dear all,
Would love some ideas on how to help with a babe who has a distinct preference for one breast over the other. The little one is four and a bit months old and attaches and draws beautifully, just has a favourite breast, which makes Mummy a little lop sided (at least 2 cup sizes bigger!).  Mum has tried different positions, feeding from the less popular side first etc, but babe will just play around not feeding, and then demand a feed again in half an hours time.  And if not offered the favoured breast will play at the breast again.  Any ideas?  Thanks, Sandy.

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