
        With the previous NAC solution we had, we would periodically purge the
database of all users of specific classes.  Packetfence is supposed to
handle all of that programatically through expiration.  However, I'm not
sure that's happening properly.  I'm not entirely certain how to debug
the problem, either.  I clearly have nodes with locationlog entries that
are far older than the settings I have in expiration, as well as nodes
with no locationlog entries that are far older than the node lifetime.

        In the meantime, as I'm trying to debug the problem, I need to
deregister an entire class of user.  How do I go about that?  While I
can use the CLI pfcmd tool to get a list of all of these users, I don't
see a way to change the registration value for a node via the CLI.  Nor
do I see a way to mass deregister via the GUI beyond the select all,
choose deregister from the dropdown menu.  That would work, but you can
only choose a single page worth of entries, and I have a LOT of pages...


Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold

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