At 1:19 PM -0800 2002/03/05, Keith Rollin wrote:
>At 1:15 PM -0800 3/5/02, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>> > Have you read the previous posts in this thread?
>>      Yes, my question is more along the lines of "Did the licensing
>>agreement between Palm and KADAK change to facilitate exposing more than one
>>thread, or did Palm decide to terminate licensing at OS5.x and roll their
>>own kernels?"
>...which Jim answered in this thread on Monday...

And which I'll answer again so we can end this thread...

We've rolled our own kernel in Palm OS 5. It's affectionately known as "MCK" after its 
author. All the same KADAK restrictions still apply to 3rd party developers -- e.g. no 
additional background threads, timers, semaphores, etc. Those sorts of dynamic 
allocation capabilities will be addressed in a future release of the Palm OS... just 
not in our initial v5.0.


Jim Schram
PalmSource Inc.
Partner Engineering

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