
PCEP is rather efficient at dealing with paths and constraints.
PCE-CC , as someone mentioned earlier, can be seen as 1-hop LSPs, there
could be minimum protocol extensions.

PCEP-LS is redoing links-state flooding over PCEP, using the same elements
as existing protocols. This sounds OK as an experiment but the operational
or scale advantages to it seems very limited.

I don't think we should overload PCEP to carry IGP information (nor device

My 2 cents

On 24 July 2017 at 08:02, <stephane.litkow...@orange.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> As soon as we started with the active stateful PCE, the PCE became an SDN
> controller who takes decision and programs the network.
> So as many already mentioned, PCEP as an SBI is already done.
> IMO, PCECC does not change significantly PCEP, it’s just bring a new kind
> of LSP style for this hop by hop path programming. A controller
> implementing hop by hop path programming will require more intelligence as
> it needs to program nodes in the right order to prevent transient loops…
> The question is more what is the exact scope of PCEP in term of SBI and do
> we want to create a protocol that does everything , including coffee J ?
> We already have plenty of protocols: BGP, IGP, Netconf. Each protocol has
> strength and weaknesses and I’m not sure that we need to mimic all features
> in all protocols. What is the gain here ?
> The best approach may be to use strength of protocols and use them for
> what they are good for:
> Example:
> IGP has good flooding capability with “limited scale”: interesting when
> all receivers need the same information
> BGP has good flooding capability with large scale and ability to target
> specific groups (using route targets/communities) : interesting when groups
> of receivers need the same information
> Netconf more generic and point to point
> …
> IMO:
> do we need PCEP-LS ? => This can be discussed, we already have two
> protocols to exchange the topology…
> do we need to add configuration capabilities in PCEP => not sure, we have
> Netconf for that.
> Why not limiting PCEP to path programming and path policies (traffic
> steering on path…) ?
> Brgds,
> *From:* Pce [mailto:pce-boun...@ietf.org] *On Behalf Of *Jonathan Hardwick
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2017 17:22
> *To:* pce@ietf.org
> *Cc:* pce-cha...@ietf.org
> *Subject:* [Pce] PCEP as an SDN controller protocol?
> Dear PCE WG
> The purpose of this email is to initiate a discussion about whether we
> want to extend PCEP to allow it to replace the functions that are
> traditionally provided by the routing and signalling protocols.
> Originally, PCEP was designed with the goal of providing a distributed
> path computation service.  In recent years we have extended that mission,
> and added path modification and path instantiation capabilities to PCEP.
> This has added capabilities to PCEP that would traditionally have been
> performed by the network management plane.
> We are now starting to discuss proposals to add more capabilities to PCEP
> – capabilities that are traditionally part of routing and signalling.
> There were three examples of this in the PCE working group meeting this
> week.
> ·        The PCECC proposal, which extends PCEP’s path instantiation
> capability so that the PCE can provision a path end-to-end by touching each
> hop along the path.  This replaces the function already provided by RSVP-TE.
> ·        The PCEP-LS proposal, which extends PCEP to allow link state and
> TE information to be communicated from the network to the PCE.  This
> replaces the link state flooding function provided by the IGPs, or BGP-LS.
> ·        The PCECC-SR proposal extends PCEP to allow device-level
> configuration to be communicated between the network and the PCE, such as
> SRGBs, prefix SIDs etc.  Again, this replaces functions that are already
> designed into the IGPs.
> These proposals are taking PCEP in the direction of being a fully-fledged
> SDN protocol.  With these proposals, one can envision a network in which
> there is no traditional control plane.  PCEP is used to communicate the
> current network state and to program flows.  These proposals have their
> roots in the ACTN and PCECC architectures that are adopted within the TEAS
> working group.  TEAS is very much assuming that this is the direction that
> we want to take PCEP in.  However, there are two procedural issues, as I
> see it.
> 1.      We have not had an explicit discussion in the PCE WG about
> whether we want to take PCEP in this direction.  We have had a few lively
> debates on specific cases, like PCEP-LS, but those cases represent the
> “thin end of the wedge”.  If we start down this path then we are accepting
> that PCEP will replace the functions available in the traditional control
> plane.  We need to test whether there is a consensus in the working group
> to move in that direction.
> 2.      We do not currently have a charter that allows us to add this
> type of capability to PCEP.  Depending on the outcome of discussion (1), we
> can of course extend the charter.
> This email is to initiate the discussion (1).  So, please reply to the
> mailing list and share your thoughts on whether PCEP should be extended in
> this direction, and how far we should go.
> I am hoping to get more than just “yes” or “no” answers to this question
> (although that would be better than no answer).  I would like to hear
> justifications for or against.  Such as, which production networks would
> run PCEP in place of a traditional control plane?  Why is it not desirable
> to solve the problems in those networks with the traditional control
> plane?  What harm could this do?  What would be the operational problems
> associated with adding these functions to PCEP?
> Many thanks
> Jon
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